Sometimes we need to call stored database function in ADF application.
Note :- Try to call stored database function in ApplicationModuleImpl Class or in ViewObjectImpl.
Use below method to call stored function.
Use above callStoredFunction method in a method in Impl class and pass parameter.
Note :- Try to call stored database function in ApplicationModuleImpl Class or in ViewObjectImpl.
Use below method to call stored function.
import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import oracle.jbo.JboException; /**Method to call Database function * @param sqlReturnType (Return type of Function) * @param stmt (Function Name with Parameters) * @param bindVars (Parameter's Value) * @return */ protected Object callStoredFunction(int sqlReturnType, String stmt, Object[] bindVars) { CallableStatement st = null; try { //Creating sql statement st = this.getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("begin ? := " + stmt + ";end;", 0); //Register dataType for return value st.registerOutParameter(1, sqlReturnType); //Pass input parameters value if (bindVars != null) { for (int z = 0; z < bindVars.length; z++) { st.setObject(z + 2, bindVars[z]); } } st.executeUpdate(); //Finally get returned value return st.getObject(1); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JboException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
Use above callStoredFunction method in a method in Impl class and pass parameter.
public String callFunction(Integer EmployeeId){ String EmpNm =null; Object obj = callStoredFunction(Types.VARCHAR, "fn_getEmpNm(?)", new Object[] { EmployeeId }); if(obj!= null) { EmpNm =obj.toString(); } return EmpNm ; }
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