For Demo Purpose I have created 2 application having same Input parameter.
1.) First Application :-
I have created a Taskflow with Input Parameter name Parameter1.
I have used page show value the input parameter of
2.) Same as first application I have created second application with same input parameter.
Now create ADF jar file of both application and call this two application in Master application.
3.) Create Master App
1.) First Application :-
I have created a Taskflow with Input Parameter name Parameter1.
I have used page show value the input parameter of
2.) Same as first application I have created second application with same input parameter.
Now create ADF jar file of both application and call this two application in Master application.
3.) Create Master App
- Create a jspx page in Master Application to call above applications.
- Now drag and drop task flow of Demo app 1
Select Dynamic Region
Now Select a Managed bean or create new. - Now drag and drop taskflow of another application as link and then first one also.
- Now next step is to set parameter of taskflow using Hash Map.
For same we have to declare a Map type variable in bean.
private Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
and create its Accessors. - Now set its value using below code.
- Now pass hash map value to parameter.
import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import oracle.adf.controller.TaskFlowId; public class DRBean implements Serializable { private String taskFlowId = "/WEB-INF/task-flow-definition1.xml#task-flow-definition1"; private Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public void setParameterMap(Map<String, Object> parameterMap) { this.parameterMap = parameterMap; } String srt = "Default First App"; public Map<String, Object> getParameterMap() { return parameterMap; } public DRBean() { setParameterVal(); } public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() { return TaskFlowId.parse(taskFlowId); } public void setDynamicTaskFlowId(String taskFlowId) { this.taskFlowId = taskFlowId; } public String taskflowdefinition2() { srt = "Call Application 2"; setParameterVal(); setDynamicTaskFlowId("/WEB-INF/task-flow-definition2.xml#task-flow-definition2"); return null; } public String taskflowdefinition1() { srt = "Call Application 1"; setParameterVal(); setDynamicTaskFlowId("/WEB-INF/task-flow-definition1.xml#task-flow-definition1"); return null; } private void setParameterVal() { parameterMap.put("Parameter1", srt); } }
Goto Page Binding and edit taskflow binding .
select hash map from expression builder.
Now run application.
When we run application
After Clicking on Call Application 1 Link
And after clicking on Call Application 2 Link
We have passed value of input parameter of Task flow using managed bean.
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